Sunday, May 30, 2010

It's a shame I'll miss "Sin D"...

Hehe, I love Kentucky. (Actually, central and western Kentucky have been beautiful and the people generally quite friendly.) But then there are signs like this to remind you where you are...

PS...I am 12 miles from the Ohio River ferry which will take me into Illinois. While I am excited to see a new state, I am sad I probably won't be seeing anymore dune buggys on the street painted witb confederate flags like the 'General Lee' and piloted by devil-may-care dudes who look like they're straight outta the woods.


Unknown said...

Not to worry, Dennis ... "Sin D' is all over youtube, myspace and TMI? ;-) AS

Dennis Howe said...

Glad to see that all that time you've spent on the internet has been productive, Aunt Sharon. ;)