Sunday, June 13, 2010

A few pics and a quick update from Eureka, KS

Hey everyone!

I am alive....just have had some phone problems and also have not been around a computer or a town with a library much recently. The ride has flattened out considerably as I have passed through the Ozarks in Missouri and am now into Kansas, although the thunderstorm activity has picked up and I am in a motel tonight so i don't get caught in another one.

Here are a few photos of random things...

** A Mexican restaurant waiter with seriously mad skills for carrying multiple plates at once.
**The General Lee car, for you Dukes of Hazzard fans....spotted in Pittsburg, KS.
**A road sign with a message so obvious that I couldn't believe they felt compelled to post it.
**The bike shop I rode for 200 miles to get to, only to find it completely deserted....grrrrrrrrrr.
**Allen, a guy with Friedrich's ataxia who is amazingly riding from St Louis to D.C. on a HAND CYCLE because his legs don't work (check his website:
**Someone's idea of fun in the Ozarks....spraypainting "Have Fun!" on the road at the beginning of a really steep hill.

Ciao for now....